Hampton Parish is on the south side of the River Avon and covers Hampton, Fairfield, Eastwick Park, Charity Crescent and Thistledown and is part of the Asum South Benefice.
The benefice also includes Sedgeberrow and Hinton on the Green Parishes.
During the interregnum all enquiries will be dealt with in the first instance by Caryl Mills, the Parish Administrator, who usually works on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9.15am to 1.15pm in the Parish Office attached to the Vicarage. The telephone number is 01386 446381.
Email office@hamptonchurch.org.uk.
Alternatively please contact the churchwardens.
The Revd Andy Smith, is the Curate-in-Charge at Bengeworth. He is supported by Kimberley Gunn in the Bengeworth Office which is open: Monday 9am-3.30pm, Wednesday 9am-12pm and Friday 9am-12pm.
The telephone number is 07542 570921.
Email: hello@stpetersbengeworth.org